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Gynaecomastia symptoms are sometimes obvious and embarrassing, but the underlying gynaecomastia causes are less certain. Suspected influences include medical conditions, fluctuations in weight, and certain drugs. Male breast reduction surgery is now a very popular procedure, as great outcomes with very little scarring can be achieved. The surgery is extremely beneficial for healthy men regardless of age, especially when performed at a purpose-equipped facility such as Cairns Plastic Surgery.


Gynaecomastia symptoms can appear even during childhood, and the condition has obvious connections with weight gain and loss. Therefore, the surgery is aimed at men who have already shed weight through exercise and diet. Gynaecomastia surgery isn’t recommended for the obese, heavy drinkers, smokers, or people using anabolic steroids.

Once target weight has been established, gynaecomastia surgery can deliver excellent results. For younger men and those with responsive, elastic skin, breast surgery should be avoided, as the physique will naturally return to healthy, trim condition with exercise and diet.


Breast reduction results include improved masculine contour along with a host of other benefits. When recovery is complete and a suitable exercise regimen in place, a return to outdoor, fun activities is highly likely, free from constricting and inhibiting behaviour caused by potentially negative body-image. Male breast reduction benefits include:

  • Can Improve self-confidence, intimacy and close personal relationships
  • The ability to wear stylish, form-fitting clothing
  • Shirtless liberation for summer fun
  • Garments used to disguise and compress the breasts can be discarded

Surgical outcomes are permanent, and much appreciated by Cairns Plastic Surgery clients. Our team are dedicated professionals with vast plastic and cosmetic surgery experience, while Cairns is the ideal location to recover and recuperate from the procedure.


Gynaecomastia surgery is usually focussed on reducing breast size and enhancing contour. A small incision is made, either under the armpit or at the areola (nipple outer edge). Excess glandular tissue is then removed, with the procedure often performed alongside liposuction for additional improvements. In some cases, liposuction alone might be the most beneficial surgical procedure.

All surgery can be daunting, but gynaecomastia surgery is a very safe and effective operation performed on an outpatient basis. The procedure, performed under general anaesthesia, is complete within a couple of hours and a same day return home for recovery is easy with the assistance of a friend or family member.


After surgery, a support garment will be fitted to minimise swelling and contour the chest. A return to work and regular activities is usually possible within one week, although strenuous exercise should be avoided until recovery is complete. Initial swelling, bruising and pain are natural bodily healing mechanisms, and pain relief medication can be taken if required. It’s also normal for localised chest numbness to persist for several months as connecting tissues, blood vessels and nerves adjust and strengthen.

Optimum gynaecomastia treatment outcomes are achieved when the procedure is combined with ongoing monitoring of diet and exercise, along with limiting alcohol, supplements and drugs that are known to influence weight gain and hormonal changes. Cairns Plastic Surgery are proud to be part of the solution by helping to change live and providing the opportunity for men and women to look and feel great.