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Breast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal2023-06-28T05:32:22+00:00
Breast Reduction

Whether it’s personal preference or medically driven, choose Cairns Plastic Surgery for breast implant removal surgery.

Breast implant removal is usually performed under General Anaesthesia and the procedure takes one to two hours to perform. Breast implant removal surgery is also commonly referred to as an “explant”.

In many cases, Dr Hertess can use your original incision site, which means you will not have an additional scar for breast implant removal surgery.

It is important to remember that your breast tissue will take time (three to six months) to return to its natural shape and size, as it has been stretched by your implant.

No two breast implant removal procedures are the same, as your unique anatomy may have its own specific issues that need to be addressed by your surgeon.

Breast implant removal recovery

It’s normal to expect some discomfort after you wake, pain relief will be recommended after surgery. It is critical that you allow the body to properly heal. Rest and time off work advice should be followed to allow your body to heal.

Lifting should be avoided and someone should be available to help you out for the first few days with housework and tasks like grocery shopping and cooking.

Why do women opt for breast implant removal surgery?

Breast implants are designed to last around a decade and like any material, they will not last forever.

Many women who are reaching the 10 or 15-year milestone of their breast implants are now at a stage where they should consider breast implant removal and replacement.

Some women, however, reach this milestone and opt to remove the implants, only. This is breast implant removal surgery.

Life circumstances change, lifestyle changes and you may no longer desire a larger bust size. You may be experiencing symptoms of breast implant illness. You may also have to have your implants removed for a medical reason such as implant rupture or severe capsular contracture and pain.

Remember that breast implant removal is not for everyone. Plenty of women who get breast surgery love their new, larger busts.

Medical reasons why your breasts implants may need to be removed

Breast implant removal surgery can also be medically indicated. Signs to look out for include:

  • Implants that are damaged
  • Leaks and ruptures
  • Asymmetry
  • Bottoming, a term used when the implants drop and sit too low
  • Capsular contracture, where the scar tissue that forms around the implant hardens, resulting in discomfort and unnatural looking breasts

If you notice anything unusual about your breasts or experience any degree of discomfort, contact Cairns Plastic Surgery today.

We also recommend organising periodic check-ups that allow us to check the condition of your breasts – even if you don’t experience anything unusual – especially if you’ve reached the 10-year mark.

View our Breast Implant Removal costs here.

Why choose Dr Hertess for breast implant removal surgery?

With a focus on patient education teamed with a caring and supportive nature, Dr Hertess and the team at Cairns Plastic Surgery know that your comfort and safety is the number one priority.

When we speak with you, we’re not performing a rehearsed sales pitch; we’re taking the time to educate you, listen to your needs, and truly understand your desire behind breast implant removal (or in fact any of our plastic surgery procedures).

Your free meeting with a Cairns nurse, as well as your consultations with Dr Hertess, are opportunities to ask any questions you may have. No question is too small or too silly, and our aim is to always arm you with all the information you need to make a rational and personal decision.

We’re with you throughout the whole process, turning your surgery into an experience filled with support from your very first phone call all the way through to your follow-up appointments, and beyond.

Breast implant removal costs

Dr Hertess and Cairns Plastic Surgery have an Explant procedure which you can explore in more detail here. The cost is $8600.

For more information on breast implant removal, we invite you to book a free appointment with a Cairns Plastic Surgery nurse. During this no-strings chat, we confidentially discuss your needs and discover more about your desire to remove your implants.

To organise your session, please give the clinic a call on (07) 4031 5755 or fill in this enquiry form and we will be in touch.

Breast implant removal before and after

Breast Implant Removal Before


Breast Implant Removal After


Breast Implant Removal Before


Breast Implant Removal After


View our breast implant removal